A single drop of water contains 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 H2O molecules. Each of these H2O molecules breaks its hydrogen bonds every 100 millionth of a second.
Water is the most abundant compound on our planet, but current science has not been able to decode its secrets. Water presents more than 30 anomalies, leading us to wonder: why is water the only fluid whose density decreases when it freezes, causing it to float? Why does rainwater spin as it falls? Why is water the only fluid that moves from a solid state to a liquid state and from a liquid state to a gaseous state at room temperature? Etc.
Water is the element that cradles life and makes life possible, and perhaps that is why it is so sophisticated. It is a paradox that the secret of life is kept hidden in an element that makes up 70% of the human body and the Earth.
Water Memory (Documentary of 2014 about Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier)
Water is the key element of life, but this element that we thought we knew well may have unexpected properties and might play a role greater than we could imagine in our tree of life.
Dr. Gerald Pollack: The Fourth Phase of Water
Does water have a fourth phase, beyond solid, liquid and vapor?. University of Washington Bioengineering Professor Gerald Pollack answers this question, and intrigues us to consider the implications of this finding. Not all water is H2O, a radical departure from what you may have learned from textbooks.
Dr. Jacques Benveniste: Water Memory
This video explains the investigation process of Dr. Benveniste about the homeopathic remedies.
Water the great mystery – Documentary
Summary of scientific and non-scientific findings that confirm that water remains a mystery to science and that we cannot yet describe it with certainty, far beyond its chemical formulation.
Water has memory
Water – just a liquid or a lot more? Many researchers are convinced that water is capable of “memorizing,” storing information and retrieving it.