Our Privacy Policy
Our privacy policy protects the information that you give to us, and your privacy. Your personal information will be secure with us because we will not share or sell this information to anyone. Only the Vitbot team can consult or use your information for our promotional use related to Vitbot products.
Account Login
If you create an account with Vitbot, you will create a password and we will keep all your information secure.
Vitbot Website
We will use the personal information that you give us only to send you marketing or technical information related to Vitbot. Our domain and our shopping cart are secure because both have an SSL certificate.
When people visit our website, our cookies only record non-personally identifiable information that allows us to know how many visitors we have had on the site, the amount of time they stayed on our site, their computer operating system or the browser they use, etc.
You will receive mailings from us because you have signed up for our mailing list or because you have some other kind of commercial relationship with us, and we have requested email communication from you. Vitbot email marketing is permission-based.
To Unsubscribe
Whenever you wish, you can change your email preferences or unsubscribe. You can update your preferences.